The AIM is to Navigate Kasara “Around Britain” from Hamble to Hamble “clockwise” – landing in Northern Ireland to encompass all reaches of the UK, then through the Caledonian Canal & back down the East Coast.
A trip of this kind has been an ambition of mine for as long as I can remember. Thanks to everyone for helping us do this and making it all possible.
We are allowing 17 weeks (about 14 of which are on the move) and each broken down into legs of between 4 to 10 days.
Joining / Leaving us:
For Joining and Leaving Dates & Ports check the on-line date planner at ​
It is our aim to berth Kasara at the arrival/departure harbour by latest 18.00 on the last full day of each leg.
Remaining on Board that night, crew leaving us will need to help turn Kasara around (clean & prepare her) for the incoming crew before leaving the boat by 12.00 the following day.
Those on a two-leg stint are invited to stay on the boat throughout the turnaround period.
Crew joining the boat on the first day of the leg are asked to join Kasara any time between 12.00 - 16:00 unless otherwise discussed.
The first afternoon aboard will include boat familiarization, we may or may not leave the dock on the first day.
The extent of our voyaging is “weather dependent” and so communication and flexibility is the key. However, part of the first afternoon will be looking at weather and developing an appropriate cruise plan for the leg ahead to get us to our next arrival/departure harbour on time.
What to expect:
A typical leg may therefore include:
Generally daylight sailing passages.
(Night passages are anticipated only on legs 3,10 & 11).
Mooring in anchorages, on buoys or in marinas.
Catering on board or on land.
Sightseeing on land or from the sea.
Hopefully we will see some good wildlife
There are likely to be some early starts and late finishes.
We would like everyone to “muck in” with life onboard.
Whilst we plan to spend some time on land (it is a cruise and a holiday!), it may be the weather that dictates where and for how long. Best plans can go awry and so expect the unexpected – go with the flow. We will need to keep on the move – when we can.
Safety is paramount. Kasara is fully equipped and licensed for such a journey and a full safety briefing will be given when you arrive. There is no need to bring your own lifejacket – but you can if you prefer.
The RYA are not allowing me (Pete) to sign off Day Skipper or Competent Crew tickets on this trip (as it is away from my home port) and also because I am an RYA Cruising Instructor and not a Yacht Master Instructor. However, it makes sense for those aboard who wish to use me as a coaching resource to get them “match fit” to take their DS or CC at a sailing school (preferably with me & HPYC) later on. Bring your Log book.
As we are all joining and leaving at multiple locations, our responsibility is to get the boat there if we can. Hopefully you can get yourselves to the start and back from the finish! Any impending changes either way will need to be communicated to give the most notice possible.
We are setting up an AB21 Whatsapp group for all crews to assist in getting messages through. (If you do not use Whatsapp let us know please). This forum can be used for general as well as specific questions, comments or ideas by all crewmembers. Whatsapp is also a good forum for posting and sharing photos.
You have our email address at for any specific questions and general notices may be posted using this forum too.
You have my (Pete’s) phone number 07976 289650 and Jan’s 07801 697926 for calls and messaging
We will be posting weekly blogs of our exploits during the voyage and some beforehand during the build up. These will be on the website and the link will be e-mailed to you and will be posted on Pete’s (Peter Halliday) facebook page…so become a friend.
We have an “In Reach” Sat phone which we will activate and have with us if we are ever out of mobile phone range. When switched on this enables us to send and receive texts, but is really there for emergency use rather than general communication. This device also enables you to follow our location – when it is on. (Details will be forwarded nearer the time).
Internet will only be as good as the local reception – so not very good in some parts.
A better way to establish our location at any time and to follow our progress is to follow our AIS identification on the vessel finder website below: Open the site, Highlight MAP on the menu strip, type in Kasara or our MMSI number 232020625 in the search bar (top right) When the vessel is identified click on the name which opens the Kasara Screen. Scroll down to the map and click on the red square, which identifies where Kasara was last recorded and when. It also opens the map so that you can home in on the exact location – enjoy finding us and following us Round Britain.
Kit List:
We have published a list of recommended Kit to bring on the adventure. This can be found under the AB20 tab on the website
Basics will be onboard when you arrive. We will purchase fresh supplies when you arrive. Both lists are identified on the Victuals list which can be found under the AB21 tab on the website
Kasara is fully insured for a voyage of this type but it maybe advisable to ensure you have your own medical and travel insurance in place.
Arrival back in Hamble – Saturday 25th September: